Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day's New Start

by C.B. Jerman

My time awake is poorly spent
Each night under the sky is lent
By God. This time is truly meant--
Do good or make in hell a dent.

At will I lie and I deny
and this cold heart I do defy.
But, each new day I spend and die,
Has earth let out her gruesome sigh

The light of each new day that's born
shows me how my soul is torn
Mistakes of old try me to warn
and still the clouds in me do mourn

The rain of time yields nought but blood
A subtle; wretched; flashing flood
The smooth slim sword of pain cannot
Stop time but leaves me here to rot

And so I lay, alone I die.
And creeping comes that shadow's spy
to wrench my soul from out my heart
My anguished whole do I impart
Yet I again watch day's new start

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