Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fire and Blood

by C.B. Jerman

The world is filled with fire and blood
Though most fire is just for destruction
The frenzy and clamor of anger and strife
Cause young men to die and take life
Why does the fighting ne’er cease?
Why must the young pay for old?
It’s the rich and the strong
Shaking hands behind smoke
Who smile and send boys to their deaths.
They cite their just God and claim
“Peace won through fire”
And the war-machine wheels start to turn
But the old men don’t see
How the young man will feel
‘Til he’s shocked and missing his limbs
But then he’s simply a hero
A young man who chose honoring life
They never look in and say
What about him? No they can
Only see numbers and lights.
I do not say “never fight wars”
Nor that some wars are not necessary
But the arms of the empire
Exerting its grip causes more
And more old men to falter
And slip and then yell and cry
“We must have war!”
The military is not just for threatening
It’s an extension of leaders’ domains.
These are mothers and fathers
They’re sons and they’re daughters
They’re brothers and sisters in arms.
They will go and die where you tell them
But please make those sadnesses count
They will always defend till the
Very last breath but don’t make
That last breath be for oil
Or bananas or power or influence
Let it be so the world may be just
Have us fight to stop murder-killing
And help children be healthy and strong
For they are what we must look forward to
They’re our pride and our hearts and our joy
We must teach them that freedom and living good lives
Is the legacy of our sacrifice.
We cannot say our fight is for justice
And protecting the weak from the strong
For we’ve taken the strong and turned them to weak
And taken the weak and made ourselves strong.
But the children grow up hating us for their lives.
Because we took  away what was good
We can be the police or the bringers of peace
But let us not claim what we aren’t.
There is life through the phoenix flame deaths
And there’s death in not caring for young lives
Old must foster and teach and 
Must live what they preach
Give us hope and please be our examples.

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